Sunday, March 30, 2008

Whats in a name?

I am singing in a new mixed quartet. Reed, Erin Dan and I. We've been at it a couple of months now. We're tying to come up with a name. Once you choose one you are stuck with it, so you want to choose wisely. I would like it to be clever. I prefer short, easily identified, easy to spell and pronounce. Lacking in "hokiness" is important to me too. When we rehearse I write in on my calender as "REDD" - Reed, Erin, Dan & Dianne. Nobody is going for that one. But we have to call ourselves something, right?

Some of the ones we have come up with that I like are: Beyond Words; Pass Me Not; Lost and Found; Follow the Leader; Off the Page; No Other Name; Testament; and so many more.

But as yet we haven't agreed on one.

Whats in a name? Got any suggestions?