I finished my high school years at C.E. Byrd High School in Shreveport, Louisiana. Our mascot was the "yellow jacket". I didn't think much of it. I have always been afraid of them and will run screaming like a little kid when they are around.. bees, wasps hornets, yellow jackets, dirt dobber, fly - whatever is flying fast around me gets my attention and I start trying to get away. I did get stung on the tongue while eating an apple on the playground in first grade - which scared everyone and earned me a trip to the ER, and I know I stepped on a bee while walking barefoot as a young child, but I don't remember much about it except to be afraid.
Now I know what the deal is! On Monday (Labor Day) I got nailed on the ring finger of my left hand. Unprovoked, unexpected, and certainly undeserved! I never saw it coming. It was a yellow jacket! It hurt like the DEVIL! I'd say a pain level of 8 on a scale of 10 for about 12 to 14 hours and then mild pain after. Swelling was bad. Nothing eased the pain. It is now Thursday - 3 days later and all the pain has finally subsided and the insane itching has commenced. This pain was probably worse than when I broke my finger. I am amazed how bad it really hurt. No wonder I am so afraid. Of course now I've learned all about them and my fear actually attracts them. But that doesn't mean I will be able to act differently in their presence. Especially since my current plan is to stay in the house until the cold weather rids them!They are described as "predatory" and "angry" and they can send off a signal to all their friends to come and attack you! I guess that might be ok, but for high school sports? Unprovoked? I don't think so. Here's a picture of these mean little buggers. You can read about them here.
I guess I should say don't run screaming from them, but if you hear or see someone running and screaming, get out of the way! it might be me.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New look at old Alma Mata
at 9:37 AM
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